Named symptoms for determining liver disease

The liver is a unique organ capable of regeneration. But, in addition, it is a vital organ, problems with which are deadly.

The most obvious sign of liver dysfunction is a yellowish tint of the skin. The sclera of the eyes and mucous membranes can also turn yellow. This is often called “jaundice.” Jaundice most often occurs with serious liver damage, such as hepatitis and cirrhosis due to excess bilirubin in the body.

Due to liver dysfunction, pain in the right side of the abdomen may occur, as well as swelling due to fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity or an increase in the size of the liver. Swelling of the legs may also occur.

With liver problems, urine may become dark in color. This, like jaundice, is a sign of excess bilirubin in the body.

A sick liver can “react” to certain foods. For example, after a meal with a lot of fat, pain and heaviness in the abdomen may occur. However, this is a rather vague symptom, since after a hearty feast, even completely healthy people sometimes experience unpleasant symptoms.

Since the liver is responsible for neutralizing toxins, symptoms associated with toxins may appear if its activity is impaired. For example, inflammation on the skin and even fever.

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Author: alex

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