Named tea useful for hypertension

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If you suffer from high blood pressure, it is necessary not only to take the medicine prescribed by the doctor, but also monitor nutrition. Be sure to include karkade tea in your diet.

High blood pressure or hypertension is the most common pathology on the planet. More than 60% of Ukrainians have blood pressure levels consistently above the recommended 120/80.

Clinical hypertension is diagnosed in every seventh inhabitant of our planet. Due to the fact that the blood passes through the arteries under high pressure, they are damaged, which is dangerous for the kidneys, blood vessels and heart. Hypertension is the single biggest risk factor for stroke.

Experts have proven that drinking tea made from dried hibiscus leaves, called karkade, lowers blood pressure. People with prehypertension and mild hypertension participated in the study.

Their age ranged from 30 to 70 years, and systolic blood pressure did not exceed 150 mm of mercury. About half of the participants in the group drank three cups of hibiscus tea every day for 6 weeks.

The others were given a placebo drink with the taste and color of fake hibiscus. All followed a normal diet and exercise regime.

Volunteers' blood pressure was measured twice before the start of the experiment and with an interval of one week. The study showed that volunteers who drank hibiscus tea reduced their systolic blood pressure by an average of 7.2 points, while people from the control group reduced their systolic blood pressure by only 1.3 points.

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Author: alex

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