Named the best breakfast product for life extension
Doctors call low-fat yogurt with added whole fruits and nuts one of the best life-prolonging foods they recommend for breakfast.
Doctors from the NHS (National Health Service of Great Britain) state that even minor healthy changes in the diet can contribute to prolonging life. In their opinion, you can avoid early mortality if you eat low-fat yogurt with the addition of nuts and fruits for breakfast, as reported by the Express publication. weight, which reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular and other diseases. As you know, obesity is one of the key causes of coronary heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer,” the scientists said.
Also, in order to prolong life, they advised to use such products that improve the functioning of the heart – fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, low-fat dairy products and cheese, fish, legumes, nuts, unrefined vegetable oils.
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