Named the best exercises to protect against arthritis

Arthritis and osteoarthritis affect joints and cartilage. Many believe that these diseases are an integral part of aging. However, this is a misconception. The risk of developing diseases can be reduced by following a healthy lifestyle and exercising regularly.

Named the best exercises to protect against arthritis

Regular exercise protects joints

Constant physical activity generally has a positive effect on health. Without them, the probability that a person will gain excess weight increases. And this is an additional load on the joints. In particular, we are talking about the hips and knees, where arthritis and osteoarthritis most often occur.

“Each kilogram of weight gained increases the load on the knees by almost two kilograms and increases the pressure on the hips six times,” the organization noted. Arthritis Foundation. They added that additional stress destroys the cartilage, which also affects the joints. Subsequently, the situation only worsens.

Excess adipose tissue also promotes cytokine production. This is the name of the proteins that cause inflammation in the body. Inside the joints, cytokines destroy tissue, changing the function of cartilage cells, experts explain.

Thus, the less a person exercises, the more weight he gains. Accordingly, the number of cytokines capable of destroying joints also increases. The opposite is true: regular training reduces the risk of developing the disease.

In addition, constant physical activity will help prevent the development of diabetes. It is known that this disease provokes a number of health problems. As noted by the Arthritis Foundation, high blood sugar accelerates the formation of certain molecules that make cartilage stiffer and more sensitive to mechanical stress.

Optimal training duration

30 minutes of physical activity a day is enough to help the joints stay flexible and to strengthen the muscles that support and stabilize the hips and knees. You need to train at least five times a week, writes Express.

At the same time, it is important not to overdo it. You should listen to your body and give it a strong load. It will be useful to regularly change the activity. In this way, the risk of injuries will be reduced to a minimum.

Appropriate types of physical exertion in arthritis

It is noted that not only sports are considered as physical exertion. These can also be hobbies that require a person to use force. In particular, we are talking about gardening. It is also worth walking, swimming and jogging more often. You can do yoga or Pilates.

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Author: alex

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