Named the best products for a snack before bed

Cheese can be the best option for an evening meal because it contains slow-digesting protein that improves mood.

Also, you can add a peach to the cottage cheese to get a dose of vitamin C, says nutritionist Jessica Crandell.

Another good evening snack can be become nuts According to nutritionist Daryl Gioffre, they reduce irritability, promote weight loss and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Nuts also help to achieve the correct balance of glucose in the blood. Hummus has the same effect.

Kiwi can also be a good choice to satisfy hunger before bed. Nutritionist Barbara Elliott said that the fruit is very nutritious, contains few calories and is full of vitamins that a person needs every day. In addition, kiwi will help you fall asleep more easily, and it also contains serotonin, which is often called the hormone of happiness.

Nutritionists have named Greek yogurt as another product that will help you last until breakfast. Nutritionist Marsha McCulloch noted that the calcium contained in it will help you fall asleep faster and sleep better, and casein will give you a feeling of satiety.

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Author: alex

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