Named the best products for cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol

The accumulation of cholesterol deposits in blood vessels and arteries increases the likelihood of hypertension and its deadly complications. Doctors named the best products that contribute to their cleansing from cholesterol plaques.

Olive oil. It was named by experts as one of the best products for improving the cardiovascular system. According to them, in regions where the product is traditionally used in the kitchen, a lower frequency of heart diseases is invariably recorded. Thanks to the antioxidants contained in it, a little olive oil not only lowers blood pressure, but also prevents cancer, experts added.

Almonds. It is rich in vitamin E, soluble fiber and with monounsaturated fats – this set is very effective in cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol.

Pomegranate. Due to the antioxidants contained in it, blood flow increases, which prevents clogging of blood vessels.

Turmeric. Doctors said that this spice is one of the most effective for cleaning veins from dangerous fat deposits.

Green tea. Drinking it reduces oxidative stress that damages blood vessels. It is precisely in the areas of vascular tissue damage that a dangerous layering of cholesterol occurs.

Wild asparagus. Thanks to its substances, artery walls relax, which reduces pressure on them.

Cinnamon. Its antioxidants effectively reduce the level of sugar and fat in the blood.

Broccoli. Its composition combines Vitamin K and fiber – their duo lowers the level of cholesterol and blood pressure.

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Author: alex

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