Named the best way to avoid a hangover

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Any types of alcohol disturb the water-electrolyte balance in the body, partially dehydrate and remove various trace elements, such as magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium. Methods have become known that will help alleviate or completely avoid a hangover after drinking alcohol. 

The specialist explained that alcoholic beverages should be consumed with pauses. And the best solution would be to alternate a glass of alcohol with a glass of water.

“It is necessary to alternate the consumption of alcoholic beverages with a glass of mineral water, preferably non-carbonated. It doesn't necessarily have to be a glass of water per glass, but at least a few sips must be taken,” said the doctor. If you follow this rule, a person will feel much better in the morning: without a headache and dry mouth.

In addition, the doctor advised to follow certain norms recommended by the World Health Organization when drinking alcohol ( WHO), as well as to be distracted by some activity between drinks.

“There are so-called WHO permissible doses, which are four doses for men throughout the evening and two or three doses for women. Dosages are very small. Try to take breaks, dance, communicate, solve charades,” explained the narcologist.

According to him, the biggest mistake when drinking alcohol is to drink it with sweet carbonated water. Such drinks accelerate the absorption of alcohol in the stomach, which leads to faster intoxication and a more serious hangover.

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Author: alex

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