Named the “correct” ways to drink coffee without harm to health
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It helps to wake up, gives vigor and energy during the day. At the same time, scientists found out a long time ago that drinking too much coffee can be dangerous for the body. Experts told how to drink coffee correctly so that it does not affect health.
First of all, you need to measure the amount of milk and cream added to the drink. Most often, people do not follow this, as a result of which the drink turns out to be high in calories and loses its useful properties. It is better to choose cream based on vegetable milk, for example, coconut or almond. They contain a small amount of calories and fats.
Don't forget that the less sugar in coffee, the better. Nutritionists recommend not adding more than one teaspoon of sugar to the drink! You should also avoid adding sweet flavorings and syrups to coffee, as they contain a lot of sugar and artificial components. Instead, it is better to add natural additives and sweeteners to the drink: stevia, cinnamon, lavender, nutmeg.
The last tip is not to drink coffee on an empty stomach, as the acidity of coffee can signal the body to produce more stomach acid and cause upset stomach It can also lead to a sudden spike in blood sugar.
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