Named the differences between heart attacks in men and women

The cause of a heart attack is blockage of the arteries that supply the heart with oxygen and blood. Most often, this happens due to the accumulation of cholesterol plaques. However, the signs of an acute condition are not always obvious. In addition to the fact that an attack may not be accompanied by chest pain, it also manifests itself differently in women and men.

According to Dr. Jean Hales, most women experience pain in their hands. “This is confirmed by research conducted with the participation of 1.1 million people,” the expert said. Thus, 42% of women in the experimental group did not feel discomfort in the chest during the attack.

Another difference between representatives of both sexes is that most often women notice shortness of breath, pain in the back or jaws, and nausea during an attack. Because of this, they may not understand what is happening and attribute the discomfort to a cold or another disease.

The situation is also complicated by the fact that women suffer from so-called “silent” heart attacks more often than men. Therefore, in the event of the symptoms described above, the expert advises to consult a doctor immediately. However, they must appear simultaneously. If only nausea is felt, then its causes may be a dense meal or a long stay in the heat.


Reduce the risks of a heart attack, as well as other heart disease, proper nutrition or lifestyle changes will help.

Doctors recommend following the so-called Mediterranean diet. It includes:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • complex carbohydrates;
  • fish;
  • unsaturated fats (for example, olive oil).

All this will help reduce the likelihood of cholesterol plaques. Experiments show that people who follow such a diet are 47% less prone to heart disease.

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Author: alex

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