Named the first sign of alcoholism
The abundant use of alcohol often causes a person to tremble in the hands and throughout the body. Experts have said it could mean.
According to them, if a person has shaken hands after a drunkard – then this is the first sign of alcoholism or alcoholic tremor.
experts say that tremor It increases with a hangover in the morning when a person has not yet eaten food. Tremor can also be associated with detoxification when human internal organs are trying to get alcohol on their own. The reason for this, medical scientists called the proteins in the blood that occur when splitting alcohol. First aid from shaking in your hands – natural antidepressants.
tremor can also cause liver failure – also a clear sign of alcoholism.
experts give advice: if trembling hands are a frequent event in your life, It is worth running immediately to doctors, as sometimes it indicates that your life is at risk.
doctors state that tremor does not always occur when drinking alcohol. They are reminiscent of other symptoms that exacerbate hangover syndrome.
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