Named the ideal product for breakfast to reduce pressure

Doctors advise hypertensive patients to add spinach to their breakfast – according to experts, this is an ideal vegetable product to reduce blood pressure.

The named ideal product for breakfast to reduce pressure

According to doctors representing the organization Hello Heart (Great Britain), in order to successfully combat high blood pressure and hypertension, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of a dense breakfast based on scrambled eggs. They strongly recommend adding spinach to this dish. This product immediately contains a number of substances that improve the work of the heart and blood vessels: potassium, folic acid, magnesium.

“Their content in spinach can nullify the extremely harmful effect of sodium, i.e. salt, for people with hypertension,” – quotes experts of the Express edition.

They refer to the research of doctors from the department of dietetics of St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. In their experiment, participants randomly ate either spinach or asparagus. As a result, a greater decrease in blood pressure after seven days was recorded in those who ate spinach daily. The average decrease in blood pressure in the group receiving spinach was -6.93, while in the group receiving asparagus it was -2.28.

Experts reminded that other methods of lowering blood pressure, except a healthy diet, there is regular physical exercise and a reduction in caffeine consumption.

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Author: alex

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