Named the main danger of late snacks

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If you are used to eating late at night, you will accumulate more fat, and the next you will feel hungrier during the day. This is the conclusion reached by scientists from Harvard University.

Late eating increases the risk of obesity, slows down the metabolism and provokes a feeling of hunger the next day. For years, doctors have been advising people not to eat after 10 p.m., because we simply don't have time to burn those calories before bed. Now, Harvard researchers have found that the negative effects of late-night snacking can be felt the next day, causing a so-called domino effect.

If people last ate at 10pm or later, they burned fewer calories the next day as well. having at the same time a higher level of hunger hormones compared to those who ate before 6 pm. They also had lower levels of chemicals in the body that make us feel full and happy after eating.

Late snackers were much more likely to gain weight. The authors of the study proved that the timing of the meal is of decisive importance, even when the rest remains the same. And if people eat after 10, it has a significant effect on hunger levels, and how we burn calories after eating, and the process of storing excess fat.

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Author: alex

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