Named the mistakes kept silent by dentists when brushing teeth
When it comes to oral hygiene, many dentists are limited to rather meager tips. There are a lot of rules that dentists are silent about.
Daily oral hygiene is the recommended norm, but it is important not to overdo it: enamel is destroyed faster if you brush your teeth three or more times a day.
The duration of this process should be no more than three minutes, during which it is important to pay close attention to the most distant parts of the mouth.
You should also get rid of plaque on the tongue, which accumulates a large number of harmful bacteria. There are special scrapers on sale for this.
Doctors do not recommend avoiding strong pressure on the roots of the teeth, as this increases the risk of infection. At the end of the procedure, you need to rinse your mouth to remove all particles of the paste.
For this, you need to use not only ordinary water, but also special solutions that have an antibacterial effect, and as a bonus, freshen your breath.
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