Named the most beneficial for men's health juices
Their use of men and their list of valuables: pomegranate Health.
Foreign experts have said that pomegranate juice contains useful vitamins as vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C and trace elements – iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. In terms of the amount of antioxidants, this juice exceeds even red wine. Its use improves the condition of the blood vessels – in this aspect, pomegranate juice is useful for male potency: it promotes long erection.
regarding pumpkin juice, it has a high content of zinc, which increases testosterone levels. This juice is often recommended for prostatitis prevention. The mechanism of action of citrulin on the vessels of the penis remotely resembles sildenafil, the active substance of “blue pills”. In the body, citrulin is transformed into another amino acid – arginine, increases the level of nitric oxide, which enhances blood flow to the genital organ and provides persistent erection. It is recommended not only for men-this juice helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urolithiasis.
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