Named the most dangerous “healthy” products that should not be in the kitchen
If you have the opportunity to look into the kitchen of the best nutritionists in the world, who know exactly what you need to eat to become healthier, more beautiful and slimmer, your diet will hardly cause surprise: a lot of fruits and vegetables, whole grain products, fish and olive oil. However, some would be genuinely surprised to find that there is not a single so-called “healthy” product in their refrigerator.
Experts said that today due to the abundance of information, many people are confused and mistakenly call dangerous food as healthy food. For example, first of all, you should stop drinking coffee in large mugs. According to Dr. Mamt M. Mamik, an adult can consume no more than 400 mg of caffeine per day, which is equivalent to 4 cups of 30 ml each.
“Drinking more coffee can cause calcium loss from the body and lead to osteoporosis,” the doctor warned.
In addition, it is worth getting rid of rice cakes. Experts noted that this is one of the main foods of the “Old School of Health”. But due to the large number of simple carbohydrates in them, the bread has a too high glycemic index. This means that the body will quickly feel an influx of energy, but after an hour the feeling of hunger will appear again. As a result, a person risks gaining excess weight due to constant overeating.
Baking was also included in the “black list”. “I try to avoid foods that contain trans fats, corn syrup, and added sugar,” says cardiologist Eugenia Janos. “Trans fats, which refer to hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, raise the level of 'bad' cholesterol and lower the level of good cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke,” she added. Food chains or bakers quite often use such oils to extend the shelf life of their “fresh” baked goods.
Soy milk turned out to be another harmful product. Despite the widespread belief of its enormous health benefits, experts avoid drinking this drink. “It cannot be denied that stories about the terrible effects of soy milk on health are rare, but the fact is that soy mimics estrogen and activates its receptors in the body. There are many other and healthier alternatives to soy milk, such as almond milk. It does not have such side effects,” nutritionists noted.
In addition, doctors urged to stop eating muesli. “One of the main scammers of healthy eating!” , experts emphasized. “Even a small cup of muesli contains almost 600 calories, 30 grams of fat and 24 grams of sugar. It's like starting the morning with cheesecake,” they added. The list of harmful products also included “diet” processed meat, carbonated water, sweet juices, eggs, ketchup, corn flakes, chocolate paste and canned vegetables.
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