Named the most dangerous type of potato for hypertensive patients

High blood pressure – hypertension – can lead to dangerous consequences Experts warn that some products can aggravate the condition.

The most dangerous type of potato for hypertensives is named

Diet is the key to stabilizing blood pressure, writes Express. Doctors urge to treat the choice of diet extremely responsibly.

Scientists decided to find out what effect the consumption of different types of potatoes has on blood pressure. More than 187,000 men and women participated in a study by experts from Harvard Medical School.

It turned out that French fries or chips pose the greatest danger for hypertensive patients. Scientists found that the risk of high blood pressure is 11% higher if a person eats more than four servings of this type of potato per week. Experts explain this with the high content of oil and salt, although they are in no hurry to draw final conclusions.

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Author: alex

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