Named the most effective diet for weight loss

achieved during a low-calorie liquid loss of weight loss can be preserved. Obesity victims that received 800 calories a day from soups and cocktails, in 4 months lost 10% of body weight and retain results.

Practice shows that almost every second adult is overweight, and every third is on the verge of obesity and needs a diet. There is a huge mass of a variety of diets and diets for all types of figures, blood groups and even gene sets, but there are no universal ways of winning overweight. Is there still? The study has shown that a low -calorie liquid diet produces amazing results that, most importantly, patients can keep for a long time.

Observations were shown that if the victims of obesity received food at the level of 800 calories a day from special soups and cocktails, of course, under the strict supervision of doctors, then they managed to get rid of 10% of body weight, which amounted to about 13 kg. However, when they continued to use food substitutes either daily or from time to time every few months, 69% of them did not recover. It is well known that many lost kilograms were quickly gained after their completion, but in this case, even after three years, many patients kept the desired weight. For example, people have reduced the age of the heart, which is calculated on the basis of risk factors, such as blood pressure, cholesterol and smoking. And this reduced the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The average age of volunteers was 63 years, with their average heart age 69 at the time of the study. Before the end of the study, their biological age was 67 years, and the heart age is only 68.

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Author: alex

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