Named the most powerful vitamin for rapid hair growth

The world-renowned trichologist Philip Kingsley said, which vitamin is most often lacking for healthy hair growth. This substance helps the body absorb amino acids, which are the building blocks for strong curls.

This is vitamin B12, which is used by every cell in the body. It supports the functioning of the nervous system and plays a role in the production of DNA. In addition, B12 helps make red blood cells that deliver oxygen to tissues, including hair follicles.

Anemia caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency causes the development of abnormal red blood cells that are unable to deliver oxygen. When the body does not have enough of it, it begins to give the element primarily to vital organs.

As a result, hair does not receive enough oxygen and stops growing normally. “They start to fall out,” said Kingsley.

You can make up for the vitamin deficiency both with the help of special supplements and products. Good sources of B12 are poultry, liver, eggs, salmon, cod, milk, fortified soy milk, fortified cereals and yeast.


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Author: alex

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