Named the most useful cereal

About 40% of the diet should be made up of cereals, experts of the World Health Organization (WHO) believe. They include complex carbohydrates necessary for the body, which have a positive effect on well-being.


We are talking about young wheat, the grains of which have been dried and cleaned. They contain 12.3 grams of protein per 100 grams of product. Bulgur is rich in vitamins B, E, K, as well as beta-carotene, magnesium, copper, calcium, potassium and iron. Dietary fibers in groats clean the intestines well, accelerate the absorption of vitamins, and also increase metabolism. This groat promotes the outflow of bile, which, in turn, has a good effect on the work of the liver.

Rye groat

Amino acids are optimally balanced in rye groats. It contains more dietary fiber, which helps to strengthen the immune system and also reduce the risk of blood diseases.

Corn groats

And this groat contains antioxidants, it allows intestinal microflora to recover properly and gently cleanses the body thanks to fiber. There is no gluten in corn grits, while there are vitamins B, E, A, H, as well as tryptophan and lysine, iron and calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. According to experts, dishes prepared from corn grits help reduce the level of “bad” LDL cholesterol and the risk of stomach and liver diseases.


Couscous reduces the risk of developing chronic heart diseases, as well as diabetes and cancer. This was reported by Joann Slavin, the author of the work “whole grains and human health”, which was published in Cambridge University Press. Couscous contains a large amount of selenium, which allows the cereal to be called a strong antioxidant. In addition, couscous helps strengthen immunity and normalize hormonal balance.

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Author: alex

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