Named the most useful water

Everyone knows about the benefits of water for the whole body. It accelerates metabolism, normalizes exchange processes, gives a charge of vitality and has many other advantages. But many people face a dilemma when it comes to choosing, and do not know what water to drink.

Some believe that raw water, which also includes spring water, is better. The safest option is bottled water. If we talk about filtered and spring water, then ideally, first you need to conduct a chemical analysis, which will determine whether there are bacteria and impurities in it.

Mineral water has a large number of useful properties. It improves metabolism, removes toxins from the body, treats gastritis, strengthens immunity and the nervous system. But, despite this entire list, such water can be dangerous.

Doctors do not advise drinking it on a regular basis, as all mineral water, except for table water, are medicinal products. It should be drunk only after consulting a doctor.

As for boiled water, there are many opponents of this method of processing it, as well as supporters. It is known that when boiling water, it loses beneficial microelements and oxygen, which is why it can cause swelling.

However, boiling makes water safer because harmful bacteria are killed. To get the most out of such water, it is best to turn off the kettle immediately after it has boiled.

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Author: alex

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