Named the symptoms that say that health is in danger

In most cases, we are not overtired on purpose, Al Jazeera writes. But when this happens, the body fails, and not only psychological, but also physical health suffers. The authors of the article listed alarming symptoms, after which it is necessary to stop and give the body a rest.

Excessive regular loads often lead to fatigue, which negatively affects physical and mental health. What are the signs of overtiredness?

In most cases, we are not overtired on purpose. We want to show ourselves at work from the best side. When the boss asks to work overtime, we agree and miss a few days off, but only then do we realize that it was not possible to do that.

Eight signs that indicate that your body is suffering from overtiredness:

1. Constantly feeling tired and having trouble sleeping

When your work schedule becomes so hectic that you can't get enough sleep, you feel drained. Staying awake for a few nights is one thing, but when it becomes a regular occurrence, it's a bad sign.

2. Unexplained headaches

Excessive fatigue, stress, frustration, and high blood pressure all occur when we are overworked. Moreover, the longer we are exposed to these physical stresses, the higher the risk of headaches.

3. Continuous stomach cramps

Another important alarm signal is problems with the stomach. When we are constantly overworked and not getting enough rest, our body responds by releasing stress hormones, causing an upset stomach.

4. Heart rate at rest is above normal

“Stress hormones mobilize the body's potential. For example, they increase the heart rate, which allows more blood to be pumped to peripheral tissues,” says Dr. Michael Jonesco, a sports medicine specialist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

5. Irregular menstrual cycle

Another sign of stress is an irregular menstrual cycle. The reason for this is that when a woman does not get the necessary rest, her body often reacts by reducing various functions. If your period is delayed due to stress, it's time to make some changes.

6. Feeling weak

Kevin O'Connell, a certified personal trainer, says that when we overexert our bodies and minds, it's harder for us to recover. Sometimes it can be difficult for us to lift objects that previously seemed easy, or to move as we would like.

7. Difficulty concentrating

“Brain fog” is another symptom of overtiredness. If you find that you can't do tasks that you used to have no problem with, or you just can't concentrate, you may be overworked.

8. Hair loss

Stress hormones affect the human body in different ways. One of the most noticeable signs is hair loss. You may find a lot of hair in the shower or on your pillow, and you may notice that your hair is thinning. This is an alarm bell, hinting that you need to change your lifestyle.

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Author: alex

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