Named the true differences between female and male hearts
Italian experts called true differences between female. Experts have said that representatives of the beautiful sex are not really as happy as it is considered. On average, it pumps blood at 75 beats per minute, and movement is especially important after a certain age, when the walls are especially thickened. In the 1990s, the concept of “weak sex syndrome” was used, which is associated with various symptoms of cardiovascular disease.
This is especially true of myocardial infarction. In particular, its key signs in the strong sex are associated with chest pain, which gives in the hand, but in female people the coronary arteries are less, so such a sign is often not manifested. In fact, sex hormones produced by the ovaries during childbearing age allow to protect the vessels, which helps to slow down the aging process. However, after menopause, the situation changes due to weight fluctuations.
“body mass index (especially above 25) and abdominal circumference more than 88 centimeters has a negative effect on the woman's heart. As for smoking, it is harmful to representatives of the beautiful sex five times more than men. Therefore, you need to say goodbye to a bad habit of reaching middle age to get 10 years of life. In short, many of the differences that make us think of a protected heart of female can be dangerous, ”experts from Italy summed up.
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