Named the worst time to drink coffee
Coffee is one of the most respected drinks in the modern world – and not for nothing Its benefits are not limited to a simple increase in energy. Black coffee also improves cognitive abilities, aids digestion and acts as an anti-inflammatory.
However, there are conditions under which the drink can do more harm than good. Experts have told when you should not drink coffee.
Literally after 12 o'clock in the afternoon. Nutritionist Sherron Katzman uses this marker for her patients. According to her, coffee after 12 o'clock in the afternoon can seriously interfere with sleep.
One way to get around this problem is to replace hot morning coffee with cold. “Cold coffee usually has more caffeine than hot coffee. That's because cold brew usually requires more coffee grounds per ounce of water, which makes the drink stronger,” said Ella Davar, MD.
Thus, cold coffee at 11:30 a.m. can provide the body with enough energy to last the rest of the working day, she added.
After two cups of already drunk coffee
Coffee is no exception to the old saying “everything should be in moderation”. Katzman advises to limit the consumption of the drink to 2-3 cups a day, as dehydration can already occur after the third cup. According to scientists, drinking more than 4 cups of coffee a day is considered one of the habits that shorten life.
On an empty stomach
Since the drink has an acidic environment, its use on an empty stomach may cause discomfort. Nutritionists believe that acidity levels are potentially dangerous for people with heartburn, reflux, indigestion and even just an upset stomach.
But there are ways to avoid stomach pain. Davar, for example, advises buying organically grown beans, as they have the lowest toxic load and the highest antioxidant content. In addition, you can add milk to the drink, which will reduce the level of acidity.
With high cholesterol
In this case, coffee does not need to be excluded from the diet, but review the habit of its use. While most filtered coffee has a neutral effect on lipid levels, unfiltered or French press coffee can actually raise “bad” cholesterol.
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