Named three groups of foods that reduce cholesterol

Doctor Deborah Lee listed foods that will help lower the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. 

According to her, the first thing to do is to give preference to unsaturated fats. This means that the menu should include red fish, poultry, nuts, olive oil and legumes. At the same time, it is important to reduce the consumption of sausage products, pastries and desserts, as well as cheese.

The doctor considers an abundant amount of fiber in the diet to be another way to get rid of cholesterol.

“Choose unrefined whole grain products with increased fiber content, such as brown bread and bread, brown rice and unpasteurized pasta,” advised the doctor.

The third group of products on her list are milk, natural yogurts, and spreads. The reason for this is the content of sterols and stanols in them. According to the expert, just a few grams of such food can reduce the concentration of cholesterol by 10%.

However, the expert noted that dietary adjustments should only be a concomitant treatment method of medication.

Before application requires an eye doctor's consultation.

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Author: alex

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