Named types of tea for more intense fat burning
Some types of tea are good for fighting overweight, the compounds contained in them promote more intense fat burning. Among such teas, experts named mint, green, and white.
Mint tea. As research has shown, the smell of mint effectively suppresses the feeling of hunger. Regularly drinking mint tea helps you eat less, as a result, the body begins to break down fat from stored reserves.
Matcha tea. The drink contains ingredients that, on the one hand, stimulate the breakdown of fat , and on the other hand, they prevent the formation of new deposits, especially on the stomach. Particularly intensive fat burning occurs if, in addition to drinking tea, physical exercises are performed.
Green tea. This type of tea contains a lot of caffeine, which stimulates metabolism and at the same time makes processes more intense burning fat for energy production.
White tea. The ingredients of the drink block the formation of new fat cells and at the same time stimulate the metabolism, so that the accumulated fat is used more actively by the body. In addition, the tea tastes very good, reports Freundin magazine (Germany).
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