Named unpleasant consequences of iron deficiency in the body

Iron is a mineral that the body needs for growth and development Thanks to it, hemoglobin is produced, which carries oxygen to all parts of the body. Lack of iron in the body is a fairly common phenomenon, but most often a person does not suspect a deficiency of this important element.

According to information, the main symptoms of iron deficiency are:

  • fatigue and lack of energy ;
  • shortness of breath;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • pale skin.

In addition, a person with iron deficiency has brittle nails and often cold hands. Also, with a lack of mineral, bruises easily appear. This is due to the fact that the health of blood cells is maintained at an insufficient level.

When such symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor to find out whether the body really lacks iron. Its deficiency can be filled with the help of special tablets, as well as thanks to products containing this mineral. These include:

  • liver;
  • red meat;
  • beans;
  • chickpeas;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • tofu;
  • spinach;
  • potatoes;
  • lentils.

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Author: alex

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