Named ways to get rid of excess water in the body
excess fluid causes swelling and discomfort. And often leads to the emergence of “water weight”.
choose low -carb products. The more carbohydrates in the diet, the higher the degree of water retention. Carbohydrates, which are not processed by the body for energy, are stored as glycogen molecules. And each gram of glycogen is added from 3 to 4 grams of water. Choose low -carbohydrate products such as eggs, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, apples and so on.
exercise regularly. When you train, the water exits the body as a sweat. Of course, with intense loads, you should not forget to absorb water so as not to provoke dehydration.
Reduce calorie. And glycogen in our body is associated with water. This will help reduce the fluid content in the body.
get enough sleep. The study has shown that adequate sleep has a positive effect on these nerves, reducing the degree of water retention.
protect against stress. Chronic stress increases the content of this hormone even more. Researchers have found that when cortisol grows, water retention grows.
drink electrolytes. They also keep water balance in the body.
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