Named ways to increase the level of vitamin D

Scientists are constantly discovering new beneficial properties of vitamin D. There are many studies that which prove that its adequate level in the blood protects against many diseases.

So, it turned out that its deficiency increases the risk of developing some types of cancer. Conversely, an adequate level of vitamin D improves, for example, the chances of survival in breast cancer. Also, this vitamin supports bone strength, improves the assimilation of calcium, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive, immune, nervous, and circulatory systems.

Causes of vitamin D deficiency

Deficiency of this substance is quite common. Its most frequent causes:

  • lack of sunlight, primarily in latitudes far from the equator;
  • dietary restrictions, especially if a person does not consume dairy products or follows a strict vegan diet, writes Yahoo Life;
  • age : the elderly are more prone to deficiency because they spend more time indoors. Also, with age, the skin becomes thinner, and this negatively affects the production of vitamin D in it;
  • chronic diseases: many diseases of the liver, kidneys, as well as hyperparathyroidism and Crohn's disease also affect the body's ability to absorb vitamin D from food;
  • obesity: people with a body mass index of 30 or more often have low levels of vitamin D, because it is extracted from the blood by fat cells;
  • smoking: cigarette smoke reduces the production of the active form of vitamin D.

How to increase vitamin D levels: 5 tips


  1. Spend more time outdoors. Being in the sun is the most natural way to get more vitamin D. You need at least 15 to 30 minutes of sunlight every day.
  2. Eat seafood and oily fish. They are one of the best natural sources of this vitamin.
  3. Eat mushrooms. It is the only natural source of vitamin D among vegetarian products. You can increase its content in mushrooms by exposing them to sunlight for an hour.
  4. Eat egg yolks: Another source of vitamin D. Studies show that eggs from free-range chickens contain four times more. vitamin than in the eggs of birds grown in cells.

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Author: alex

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