Namely two types of women who always attract the attention of men
A riddle from riddles: for centuries, representatives of the fairer sex have been trying to derive a formula for female attractiveness. What character traits and behavior attract men like a magnet?
Naturally, there are as many boys in the world as there are preferences. But still, there are two types of women who have always liked and are liked by all men. No matter what they say there and no matter what dandies they play.
By the way, you probably noticed how sometimes a little or not all the boys in the course at the university are in love with one girl. Or colleagues at work stare at only one woman, and at the same time, she is far from the best. “What does everyone find in them that is not found in others?” – you wonder.
Most likely nothing, except that they belong to one of the two types of women that men find attractive. After all, in reality, each of them is looking for a soul mate, not a catwalk model.
In this article, we will talk about two types of behavior that attract men. And these are not just words. Psychologists proved experimentally that this is how things really are!
According to the research of scientists, girls subconsciously look for the traits of their father in their partners (even if the relationship with him did not work out), and men – something that reminds them of their mother.
It is so deeply embedded in the subconscious that we are not our own masters here. Most likely, attraction is related to our childhood memories. After all, it was so cozy and calm next to my mother, why not bring back that incredible feeling of security and boundless happiness again?
In other words, our ideal of relationships comes from childhood. We can't go back there, so we gravitate to everything that evokes former emotions.
That's why men are so attracted to this type – the mother woman. These grown-up and strong boys somewhere in the depths of their souls remain small and defenseless boys. So they want care, unconditional love, warmth, delicious borschts and cheesecakes (like mom's) and a cozy home (also like mom's). And the main thing is that a woman cares for and loves children.
Don't be in a hurry to count such guys as mama's boys. This is not at all! In fact, we are talking about the primal instinct of man, when he had only two tasks before him: to survive as a species and to leave behind offspring. “And who, if not mom, will help with this?!” – suggests the subconscious.
Dr. Joy Brothers claims that almost all men subconsciously look for their mother's traits in partners.
He writes: “Our mothers leave such a deep mark on our hearts that we then search for familiar traits in the women we choose throughout our lives. It gets to the point that we are even interested in the intonation of the voice, body type, habits and sense of humor, like mom's. Therefore, if our mothers took care of us and treated us with warmth and tenderness, we are looking for the same soft women. If they were strong and strong-willed, we are looking for a partner-comrade”.
Mothers have an unforgettable influence on their sons: they not only instill in children the image of a future wife, but with their remarks and comments they continue to influence the choice even when they become adults.
Thus, if the mother was gentle and cute – men are looking for affectionate and sweet girls. After all, they are the same as mom! Such a girl will be able to create an atmosphere that will resemble the one that existed in childhood.
And, on the contrary: if the mother was depressed and her mood changed five times a day, then the sons grow up to be men who are afraid of love and tenderness. After all, from childhood experience, they can change to aggression or indifference in one second. For this reason, such guys can run away from girlfriends as soon as they feel warmth and care.
Men are far away they don't always look for only physical attractiveness and sexuality in a woman. Quite often, they need a friend with whom they can easily talk about everything in the world, talk about their boss, a tyrant, or go to a football match.
So women are deeply mistaken when they say that men “need only one thing.” No, not all boys want beautiful “barbies” with proportions of 90-60-90. Many people need a real friend with whom they can share their thoughts and ideas.
The key to a strong, healthy and long-term relationship in this case is to possess the character traits that a man is looking for.
Being a “friend”, by the way, does not exclude a beautiful intimacy, which brings us even closer. But in the first place, of course, is the ability to listen and support. That is, the talent to be friends.
Dr. John Gottman in the book “7 Principles of a Happy Marriage, or Emotional Intelligence in Love” writes that if you and your husband consider each other best friends, this is a very good sign. After all, deep friendship is the basis of a happy marriage.
Gottman explains what this friendship should look like:
“Friendship in marriage is based on mutual respect and the joy of communicating with each other. Such spouses, as a rule, know each other well: what someone likes, what quirks and “cockroaches” they have, how to calm down or make their partner laugh. Spouses-friends respect each other very much and express this love with all their hearts and every day.”
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