New cause of premature death in young people found
One of the reasons for the early death of young people may be a lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet. As a rule, against the background of this factor, the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke increases.
According to experts, on average, a lack of fruit in the diet provokes one in seven deaths from cardiovascular diseases, in the situation with vegetables, the figure is one in 12 deaths.
Fresh fruits and vegetables contain a whole list of useful vitamins and trace elements, including potassium, phenols, fiber and magnesium. Such products have a positive effect on cholesterol levels, heart function, and reduce the risk of obesity.
It is optimal to eat at least 300 g of fruit and at least 400 g of vegetables per day, which corresponds to small portions. The largest number of deaths from a lack of these products is recorded in East and Central Asia, some regions of Africa, and Oceania.
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