New rules of the VLK: is it necessary to go to the commission without a referral and what to do once “limited fit”

in the work of military medical commissions and in the determination of suitability for military service.

In connection with this, the question of whether it is necessary to go to the VLK yourself and what to do with those who previously had to the status is “limited use”.

This is reported in the material of RBC-Ukraine.

The Military Medical Commission (MMC) is a commission of doctors that carries out military medical examination – a medical examination, on the basis of which the suitability of conscripts, military servicemen and conscripts for military service is determined based on the state of health, and the causal relationship of diseases, injuries (wounds, contusions, mutilations) with the protection of the Motherland/performance of military service duties/completion of military service and determine the need for continued treatment/rehabilitation.

For this purpose, the commission makes a decision on the transfer of a serviceman to another medical institution or the need for leave after completion of treatment or in connection with illness/treatment (rehabilitation), prosthetics, etc.

According to new changes in the legislation, from May 4 this year, regulations are in effect that change the Regulations on military medical examination in Armed Forces of Ukraine in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine No. 402. It is important to note thata person does not need to pass a military medical commission on his own initiative, since the corresponding referral to the VLK must be provided:

  • for a conscript – TCC and SP
  • for of a serviceman – the commander of a unit or health care institution in which a serviceman is undergoing treatment or rehabilitation, TCC and SP, in which he is registered during his leave.

The degree of fitness for military service is established by the VLK in accordance with the schedule of diseases, the explanation of the schedule of diseases and the table of additional health requirements, in accordance with Appendix 1, 2, 3 of the Regulations on Military Medical Examination in the Armed Forces.

We note, that in Ukraine, in particular, the medical examination by health care institutions was specified, namely:

  • the updated criteria are based on the combination of the International Classifier of Diseases and Related Health Care Problems IX-10 and the degree of functional impairment. contains several thousand diagnoses;
  • in each group of diseases can be both suitable and unsuitable, depending on the degree of functional impairment;
  • revised requirements for the health status of military personnel of the Airborne Assault Forces, the Marines in a special period;
  • < li>requirements for the state of health of servicemen serving (selected for service) in the assault units of the Ground Forces and the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been defined;

  • the principles of transparency, impartiality, integrity, and responsibility have been implemented;< /li>
  • regulated conclusions of the VLK when establishing the causal relationship of injuries during captivity;
  • changed the procedure for appealing the decisions of military medical commissions. Repeated VLC is held in another health care institution.

At the same time, on May 4, the law came into force, which cancels such a status as “limitedly suitable” from the list of decisions of the VLK. Accordingly, all conscripts who have been recognized as limited in their health status will have to undergo a medical examination again within nine months, namely by February 4, 2025.

Instead, after re-passing the military medical board, such persons will receive one of the following statuses:

  • fit;
  • fit for service in military support units, TCC and SP, higher military educational institutions and institutions;
  • li>
  • temporarily unfit, requiring treatment, leave or discharge;
  • unfit with review after 6-12 months;
  • unfit for military service with exclusion from military registration.< /li>

Important: the individual suitability assessment has actually been cancelled. Now the members of the VLK will not be able to make decisions at their own discretion, but will be guided only by clear norms.

Recall, as the “IS” group previously reported, the enemy is spreading fakes about the preparation of women's mobilization in Ukraine.

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Author: alex

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