New scandals with the Military Committees: the Council proposes to limit the powers of the TCC

The special committee of the Verkhovna Rada is currently working out options to prevent the recurrence of situations like the one in Odesa.

This was stated by the deputy chairman of this committee, People's Deputy Yehor Chernev on the air of the telethon, commenting on the fight between the “ambulance” workers and the TCC, which happened on June 11 in Odesa.

It is a really shameful situation when the military fights with doctors – I have never seen such a thing – said the deputy.

According to him, the special committee of the Verkhovna Rada is currently working on options to prevent the recurrence of such situations in the future.

p> And one of the options – still at the level of discussion – is the transfer of TCC functions to some civil bodies. That is, it is possible to withdraw from the Armed Forces or from the Ministry of Defense. But this is one of the options, Chernev said.

People's Deputy that the committee is waiting for the government to clearly spell out reservation norms – by-laws to the law on mobilization, drawn up by the Cabinet.

We also ask the Cabinet why it is taking so long. Recently, one of the resolutions was passed, but it is still not the most perfect version regarding reservation issues. This is a constant process that is imposed, but while it is being adjusted, such situations occur, – concluded the deputy.

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Author: alex

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