Night noise can lead to diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Research by scientists from Australia shows that the influence of night noise on people during sleep negatively affects the state of the heart and blood vessels.

Night noise can lead a person to diseases of the cardiovascular system. Scientists from Flinders University concluded that “chronic exposure to noise pollution during sleep can increase the risk of diseases such as hypertension, heart disease and other adverse health effects”.

Experts analyzed physical responses, manifested by people during sleep under the influence of noise. They found that even noise levels below the recommended safe levels can adversely affect a person's cardiovascular response.

For example, exposure to noise at 48 decibels (that's quieter than the hum of a refrigerator) in 3, 4 times more often caused a change in the amplitude of the pulse wave of the participants compared to a quieter environment during sleep. The heart rate also responded to the noise.

Scientists emphasize that sleep is a period of rest and recovery for the human body. The activation of cardiovascular responses during sleep, which can occur under the influence of nighttime noise, prevents the body from getting the necessary amount of healthy sleep it needs.

Researchers stated that the responses of the cardiovascular system to noise, which they observed in the course of the study, are associated with a certain risk for health, primarily for the health of the heart itself.

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Author: alex

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