Night sweats can be a symptom of dangerous disorders in the body

If sweating at night occurs out of connection with the hot air, you should think about visiting a doctor and an examination.

Night sweats, which cannot be explained by excessive heat in the bedroom, can be a symptom of a number of disorders in the body, both dangerous and not so.

Women often feel it due to hormonal changes – specifically fluctuations in the level of estrogen in their body, its significant decrease. Thus, “in women, night sweats can be a symptom of perimenopause and menopause.”

If we talk about more dangerous disorders in the body, then in connection with night sweats, doctors call the state of hypoglycemia, which is characterized by a very low sugar content in the blood In turn, low blood sugar can signal various health problems – for example, complications caused by diabetes, insulinomas (a tumor located in the pancreas that produces insulin).

Also, unusually intense night sweats can indicate a change in the work of the adrenal glands, which begin to produce cortisol more actively.

In addition, night sweats are provoked by dangerous diseases

  • tuberculosis,
  • HIV,< /li>
  • leukemia,
  • cancer.

But if the cause of profuse night sweat is a disease from this list, other symptoms characteristic of it will also manifest themselves during the day . Such sweating is a serious reason to carefully monitor all changes in well-being and consult a therapist.

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Author: alex

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