Nine tips to strengthen your heart and live longer
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels remain the most common causes of death. To live to a ripe old age, you need to take care of your heart and know what harms it.
Tips that will help strengthen the heart:
Complex carbohydrates. It is good for the heart if you have a lot of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains in your diet. But margarine, rice, liver and pastries are better less.
Alcohol.Alcohol abuse destroys the cardiovascular system. But moderate consumption of dry wine will help protect the heart from ischemia.
Herbs. Collection of medicinal plants will help the heart become stronger. They are sold in any pharmacy. But be sure to consult your doctor before such prevention.
Bicycle. Any doctor will tell you that riding a bicycle at a moderate pace is only good for both the heart and blood vessels. .
Fitness.A sedentary lifestyle is dangerous. Because of this, the heart becomes weak and the blood vessels become fragile. To avoid trouble, exercise regularly and go for evening walks.
Relaxation. Learn to relax. Stress is very harmful to the heart. Do breathing exercises, start a relaxing hobby.
Do not allow depression. Studies have shown that heart diseases most often occur in those people who experience a lot, experience stress and depressive states. It cannot be ignored! Seek help from doctors in time.
Do not ignore the pain. Problems with the heart and blood vessels are often reported by our digestive system. If you are tormented by unpleasant sensations in the stomach, the stomach is loose and bloating often occurs, consult a doctor. Look for the reasons!
Medical examination. You will be surprised how many serious diseases in the fetus can be detected during medical examinations. Heart disease is no exception. It is best to be checked at least twice a year. If there is an opportunity, then more often.
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