No folk remedies: a dermatologist told how to properly treat sunburn
Various folk remedies in the treatment of sunburns are not only ineffective, but can also harm your health, warned Canadian dermatologist Robert Gniatsky.
Robert Gniatsky, an employee of the University of Alberta, talked about how to properly treat the skin in case of sunburn. Scientists warned that only therapy started to eliminate the short-term effects of sunburns can be effective at home. The long-term consequences of such burns are very serious, and they are associated with the development of skin cancer.
“Sunburn, especially in childhood, causes irreparable damage to the skin, which threatens the development of skin cancer in 20 or 30 years. The skin “remembers” everything,” noted a Canadian dermatologist.
According to Robert Gniatsky, sunburns cannot be treated with folk remedies, even if they appeal to the use of exclusively natural products, for example, vegetable oil, milk or lemons. The expert explained that “they are not only ineffective, but also harmful to health.”
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