No one needs to clean their ears on their own

Otorhinolaryngologist: cleaning your ears on your own should be banned.

It was once believed that cleaning your ears regularly was necessary to maintain personal hygiene. The otolaryngologist said in an interview that cleaning your ears on your own is not at all necessary, this procedure is contraindicated for almost everyone.

Many people think that it is important to clean their ears regularly, but this is a serious mistake. Self-cleaning of the ears is actually strictly prohibited.

According to the doctor, attempts to clean the ears yourself are associated with a number of health risks. In particular, you can damage the delicate skin of the ear canal or injure the eardrum, and provoke inflammation of the ear canal. In addition, such cleaning helps push the sulfur deeper into the ear canal, and in such cases, even doctors do not always get it out of there later.

The expert emphasized that the ears do not need to be cleaned of sulfur, which protects them from the penetration of pollutants and pests from the external environment.

“Sulfur is independently removed from the ear along with water, during chewing actions and the movement of hairs in the ear canal,” the specialist explained.

The otolaryngologist added that people who regularly use cotton swabs to clean their ears risk “earning” hypersecretion, in which sulfur masses in the ear canal are only produced with greater activity.

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Author: alex

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