Nothing good: about products that a nutritionist is to be told for sure
As a rule, each food has its own benefits and their “side effects”, but there are some that in principle have nothing good. The nutritionist tells you what to give up if you follow the principles of proper nutrition, sit on a diet or just want to monitor health. However, this cannot be said about fries and potato chips. They have a lot of calories and are easy to eat excess.Breakfast flakes are processed cereals – wheat, oats, rice and corn. They are especially popular with children, often eaten with milk. The main disadvantage of most dry breakfasts is the high sugar content. Some are so sweet that they can be compared to candy.
sweet drinks
added sugar – one of the worst components in the diet of a modern man. However, some sugar sources are worse than others and sweet drinks are particularly harmful. It is also associated with various serious diseases, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Treated meat (collabas, sausages, etc.).
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