Nutrition principles that help to lose weight


More and more scientists believe that there is a connection between chronobiology, metabolism and nutrition, and eating the most right to biological rhythms.According to scientific experts, energy exchange in the body differs during the day. For example, a study by the University of Pennsylvania showed that when eating from 12:00 to 23:00, food contributes to more intense fat than when consumed from 8:00 to 19:00. In addition, late food intake increases insulin and therefore increases the risk of diabetes. For carbohydrates, according to these experts, the perfect time is the morning.

“This principle is based on the filling of empty energy stocks in the morning with high -speed carbohydrates (for example, in the form of bread) and abandoning them in the evening. If you want to lose weight, your dinner should do without pasta, potatoes or rice, but contain a lot of muscle protein that requires a lot of energy, ”scientists explained. This approach contributes to the normalization of sugar and insulin levels in the blood, which is important for moderate appetite.

one of the last trends in the area of ​​weight loss is interval starvation, when three meals occur in the period of eight to ten hours during the day, after which a long break in a nourishment of 14 hours. The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by a study conducted at the Institute of Biological Research Solka, the United States, but however, in mice. Those mice that could only eat during half a day were healthier and thinner than mice that were accessed to food all 24 hours.

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Author: alex

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