Nutritionist advises elderly people to eat eggs to strengthen their immunity
A nutritionist called chicken eggs one of the best foods in the diet of the elderly.
The doctor noted in an interview that in the absence of individual intolerance, elderly people can eat two chicken eggs daily. The Queen explained that the product effectively supports muscle mass – this is very important in old age, since muscle tissue atrophies at the fastest rate in old age.
The specialist reminded that egg white is well absorbed by the body. The protein contained in it, a macroelement, is the nutrient that helps the body carry out “all biochemical processes”.
“Protein renews the body, enables an elderly person to support the processes of regeneration and renewal at the cellular level. Protein is muscle mass and strength”.
The nutritionist drew attention to the fact that the habit of eating eggs is closely related to strong immunity. Advising elderly people to use this product, the specialist clarified that the formation of immunoglobulins, which provide the body with stable immunity, occurs with the involvement of fat-soluble vitamins. The yolk contains such vitamins – namely A, D, E.
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