Nutritionist Laura Burak listed foods that suppress sugar cravings

American nutritionist Laura Burak listed foods that suppress cravings for sweets. The doctor advised for these purposes to use food rich in nutrients, thanks to which you can maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Sweets are high in calories and fill the human body with energy. The problem with sugar is that when abused, the risk of developing obesity and associated diseases increases. Laura Bura recommended fighting this food addiction with nuts, which are rich in protein and other nutrients. Thanks to this food, you can normalize blood sugar levels, satisfy your hunger and get pleasure.

It will help suppress cravings for sweet avocados. The fruit can be added to salads, consumed with vegetable oil and lemon. The doctor advised to take glucose not by eating sweets, cakes and cakes, but by eating berries and fruits. When choosing such products, the risk of health and figure problems will decrease.

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Author: alex

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