Nutritionist Lavski reminded about the importance of phosphorus for teeth and bones
Deficit phosphorus in the body can cause a huge number of health problems. The nutritionist reminded about the importance of this mineral for teeth and bones.
According to the doctor, phosphorus is a very important element for the body. It is second only to calcium in importance for the bone system, so its deficiency can lead to many health problems.
About 85% of phosphorus is in bones and teeth. The other amount goes to the work of cells and energy production. The lack of this mineral does not become noticeable immediately, but over time it affects various systems.
Phosphorus deficiency weakens bones, provokes pain in muscles and joints, and leads to dental caries. Also, a lack of the mineral can cause growth and development delay in children, ringing in the ears. In addition, the lack of the mineral impairs concentration and provokes anxiety.
The largest amount of phosphorus is found in meat, eggs, fish, legumes, grains, vegetables, fruits and berries. All these products are included in the Western diet, which is becoming more and more popular. At the same time, it should be remembered that an excess of phosphorus can provoke the same problems as a deficiency.
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