Nutritionist refutes the “main myth” about coffee

Indian nutritionist Pooja Mahija stated on Instagram that, contrary to popular belief, coffee does not give us additional energy, but “borrows it” from the body.


She noted that the feeling of vivacity and a surge of energy after a cup of coffee are associated with the stimulating effect of caffeine, which, being a stimulant, forces the body to spend resources.

Caffeine is similar in structure to adenosine, which causes drowsiness. By blocking adenosine receptors in the brain, the active ingredient in coffee only gives the illusion of vivacity. An organism that requires rest will create new receptors and will want to sleep even more later.

Earlier, neurologist Igor Matsokin of the Atlas clinic network said that people who have had COVID-19, caused by the omicron strain, should not fight drowsiness with coffee. According to the specialist, caffeine depletes the body's reserves of ATP – adenosine triphosphoric acid, which plays an important role in the metabolism of energy and substances in the body, and after COVID-19 they are “already minimal”

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Author: alex

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