Nutritionist: this is why eggs for breakfast are the best solution for diabetics

< p>Given the connection between type 2 diabetes, blood sugar and insulin, it's no surprise that leading health experts and nutritionists say breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Numerous studies have found eggs to be one of the best options for breakfast, and eggs have come out on top.

Nutritionist Kelly Kennedy said, “the body really needs the nutrients that breakfast provides to literally 'break the fast' that occurs during sleep.”

A study published in the US National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health examined egg consumption in adults with type 2 diabetes and its effects on glycemic control, anthropometry and diet quality.

The study stated:

“Randomized controlled single-blind cross-over study in 34 adults with type 2 diabetes who were assigned one of two possible sequences of two different 12-week treatment courses. Compared to the exclusion of eggs from the usual diet, the inclusion of eggs did not have a noticeable effect on glycated hemoglobin and systolic blood pressure, and also significantly reduced body mass index and visceral fat rating.

Inclusion of eggs in the usual diet of diabetics significantly reduced waist circumference and body fat percentage compared to baseline.

Studies show that regular egg consumption can improve fasting blood glucose levels in people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.

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Author: alex

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