Nutritionists described the consequences for the body if a person eats a lot

There are many lists , which list positive changes in the body, if a person, for example, gave up sugar or started running. At the same time, the negative consequences of overeating can make you think about your health no less. Nutritionists told what happens if people start eating too much.

Yes, foods containing a large amount of sodium cause a strong thirst. Also, salty food often causes swollen limbs and face, as well as bloating. In turn, directly the volume of what is eaten often provokes heartburn or acid reflux.

The fact is that the more food, the more acid the stomach produces to digest it, which can enter the esophagus and cause unpleasant heartburn .

If the body is not used to overeating, then the next day after, for example, a festive feast, the digestive tract may be disturbed. In this case, a person will spend most of his time in the toilet.

Otherwise, he will simply be lethargic, as the body will direct all its forces to processing food.

The stomach has a tendency to stretch, if 'eaten much more than it can hold. Due to this, it begins to squeeze the neighboring organs, digestion slows down. As a result – bloating and increased gas production.

Abusing refined carbohydrates, which are contained in products made from white flour and sugar, will spoil the mood and increase anxiety. They provoke sharp jumps in sugar, which increases the level of adrenaline – a hormone that causes rapid heartbeat, sweating and tremors.

Overeating can also disrupt the circadian rhythms of the body, which also depends on sleep. In this way, a hearty dinner can prevent you from falling asleep and getting a full night's rest. In combination with dehydration due to the amount of food, headaches are quite possible. And the last thing – the clothes at some point become small.

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Author: alex

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