Nutritionists dispelled three main myths about water consumption

There are three popular myths about water consumption : drink 2 liters a day, water quenches hunger and is useful before meals. A nutritionist commented on the situation.

According to him, the body independently regulates the fluid balance, and therefore it tells itself how much and when to drink water. So the myth that a person should consume at least 2 liters per day is a mistake.

As for quenching hunger with water, the doctor found a logical explanation here as well. It does not linger in the stomach and intestines for a long time, and therefore satiety is out of the question.

According to the last myth, it seems to be useful to drink water before each meal. The doctor emphasizes that in this case, the liquid washes away the enzymes necessary for normal digestion. Therefore, the nutritionist recommends drinking water not before meals, but five minutes after the meal has been eaten.

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Author: alex

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