Nutritionists from the United States have established the best time to drink coffee
Dietitionists from the USA determined the best time to drink coffee so that the body can get the maximum benefit. It is recommended to drink an invigorating drink after breakfast, but following some rules.
Dietist Khrystyna Taul said that a cup of coffee that a person drinks in the morning helps to start the metabolism and get rid of excess weight. The expert recommends drinking a glass of water with lemon juice after waking up.
After 30 minutes, you can drink an invigorating drink with breakfast. Water with lemon is able to create the right alkaline environment in the stomach, and coffee gives vigor and helps to reduce the feeling of hunger.
“With the help of coffee, you can reduce the amount of food consumed. Sometimes you want a lot of food in the morning, but you need to follow the measures,” said nutritionist Lisa Richards.
Experts advise giving preference to black coffee without sugar. “A person needs to get calories on par with the benefits of normal foods. Strongly sweet coffee is empty calories,” the specialist explained.
Nutritionists do not advise using the drink to suppress appetite during the day. It is necessary to eat regularly and in a balanced way.
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