Nutritionists from the USA have recommended an effective diet for weight loss

The most common and effective diet, according to nutritionists from the United States of America, was recognized as Mediterranean. It practically does not prohibit anything, but only limits the use of products containing saturated fats.

Competent correction of nutrition is necessary for those who want to maintain good health, youth and beauty. It promotes weight loss and strengthens immunity. Nutritionists all over the world are working diligently in this direction.

Specialists from the USA analyzed a number of popular diets and found out that the Mediterranean meets all the necessary requirements. The principle of its observance implies the consumption of a large amount of vegetables and fruits, as well as legumes, nuts and seeds, while it is necessary to limit oneself in the consumption of fatty foods.

The diet is aimed at reducing the risk of diseases associated with cardiovascular system, and can also help to get used to proper nutrition.

Nutritionist Monisha Bhanote recommended a type of plant-based diet close to a vegan one. It is based on the consumption of products containing soy protein, grains and legumes. Adherence to such a diet will help maintain a feeling of satiety and normalize the digestive system.

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Author: alex

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