Nutritionists have named an excellent remedy for losing weight

People who want to lose weight are advised to eat yogurt, as they are excellent helpers in getting rid of extra pounds. Scientists from Norway came to this conclusion.

Scientists have concluded that probiotic supplements can provide a great service to a person. For example, if you eat yogurt enriched with probiotics every day, you can lose 600 grams of weight in just three weeks.

Experts came to this conclusion during the analysis of 15 previous studies that were devoted to the effect of probiotics on the body. Almost a thousand adults noticed that after taking probiotic supplements, their weight decreased significantly in 3-12 weeks.

It is also noted that thanks to yogurts, it is possible to reduce body mass index and the amount of fat in the body. The reason for such a positive result lies in the fact that probiotics are able to eliminate the imbalance in the intestines, which leads to the fact that the body converts calories into fat, causing the appearance of extra pounds.

The scientists called the resulting effect insignificant. They believe that additional research in this area is needed, which will allow us to learn more about how probiotic supplements affect humans.

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Author: alex

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