Nutritionists have named the main signs of improper breakfasts

Dietitians have compiled a list of the main signs that indicate that breakfast is prepared incorrectly. As experts note, the morning meal is very important, and a careless attitude towards it can lead to a drop in the level of working capacity and weight gain.

First of all, you should make it a rule to prepare breakfast yourself, and not eat yogurts or ready-made meals bought in the store. At the same time, nutritionists do not recommend eating dry food in the morning. The basis of breakfast should be slow carbohydrates. Foods with a high protein content will help balance them. Breakfasts should not be too small, because in this case you will quickly feel hungry and want to snack on something tasty, such as cookies or chocolate, which is not very useful for the body. According to nutritionists, the portion should be sufficient to have enough energy until the next meal.

You should not use a lot of oil to prepare breakfast. Experts also do not recommend washing down your food with sweet tea or coffee. Such drinks, especially if consumed more than twice a day, will quickly add several hundred extra calories to the body, which threatens weight gain.

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Author: alex

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